You are looking at the HTML representation of the XML format.
HTML is good for debugging, but probably is not suitable for your application.
See complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <u name="ZanefnrnkppvvvCantadore" />
      <u name="Zoritri" />
      <u name="Александр Дерменжи" />
      <u name="Васил Василев" />
      <u name="Виктор Павлов" />
      <u name="Добрин Митев" />
      <u name="Желев Александр" />
      <u name="Иво Мирчев" />
      <u name="Павлина Христова" />
      <u name="Росен Иванов" />
    <allusers aufrom="Светлана Драганова" />